
4 Best WordPress Plugins For Digital Marketing

With around 34% of all websites in the whole world built with WordPress, it’s most likely the most popular Content Management System (CMS) out there. The biggest reason for this popularity is the rich ecosystem of plugins that help you do just about anything you want on your webpage.

All it takes to ramp up your website’s functionality is a nice plugin that offers features and capabilities that aren’t available as standard. To date, there are over 56,000 WordPress plugins available, each with their own specific functionality.

Of course, as for everything there are some pretty cool plugins available for all digital marketing needs. From SEO to analytics, these plugins can make your life so much easier while keeping your sites performing at top speed.

However, the question here is, with so many plugins available, how do you choose which one’s the best?

Well, today’s your lucky day! That’s exactly what we’re here to tell you. Read on to find which ones we consider the top 4 for all your digital marketing requirements!

1. Hustle

Hustle is an amazing free plugin that features a variety of features aimed at boosting traffic and audience. The best ones include their seamless popups, slide-ins, social share bars and more!

The reason Hustle is so useful is because it offers all this functionality in one place, and all of these tools are incredibly useful for lead generation or as informational ads with call-to-actions.

Another useful tool offered by the Hustle plugin are embeds, that can be used as in-content ads or opt-ins that can be strategically placed before or after your posts.

All in all, Hustle packs a lot of punch and is definitely a good choice for your site.

2. HubSpot Contact Form Builder and Conversion Tools

HubSpot’s form builder is a nifty little drag and drop tool with which you can build contact forms for all your wordpress sites.

The plugin contains a variety of built-in functionalities such as pop-up creator, live chat widget and even pre-written code that you can simply paste into WordPress!

Just like Hustle, we love HubSpot’s plugin so much because it’s an all-in-one plugin that gives you tons of functionality while keeping things efficient.

After all, the less plugins you have the easier for you and the faster your site will run!

3. Gravity Forms

Adding polls, quizzes, and forms can boost user interest, especially if there’s some incentive attached. With the Gravity Forms plugin, adding multi-step forms, polls, quizzes and even surveys is super simple!

An added advantage is that you can create a lot of different rules and conditions, including which domains are allowed or not.

4. Jetpack

Jetpack is another amazing all-in-one plugin that offers a variety of advanced tools on a single platform.

These include a lot of content tools, themes, mobile optimization, automated social media posting, analytics, as well as a bunch of SEO tools to promote your site.

You can either choose to integrate all of it’s features in one go, or pick and choose the ones that fit your specific needs. Let us know if you found these plugins helpful, or if you’ve got some recommendations of your own!

At Sunan Designs, our experts are always looking forward to hearing from you. Reach out today for some advice from the best design and marketing team out there!

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