
Ads Don’t Cost Money

Hey! Hope everyone is doing well!

Welcome to our first Sunan Weekly Roundup!

Here we take the opportunity to show any amazing initiatives we are working on. We share cool insights we are learning and testing out on ourselves to help better serve you and the Sunan community.

2 Year Anniversary – Wow, time does fly! It’s crazy to imagine that Sunan Designs turns two this month! It’s been an amazing journey filled with excitement, nervousness, and a ton of stress! …and a lot of sleepless nights, may I ads. But hey, sometimes you have to take that leap of faith to take your game to the next level – especially if you want to build something special.

To celebrate our 2 years of changing the game, we are running a crazy promo. 50% off your first month’s subscription with a 30 day money back guarantee.

Our Growing Team – Over the past two years, team Sunan has grown from me being the person who was doing all the designs, sales, marketing, and consulting to a team of 6 highly talented people from around the world now. Our team now ranges from Adobe Award winning designers to folks who are Google Blackbelt and Facebook certified in running amazing ads!

What we are working on – As a design and marketing firm, our goal is to provide as much value as we possibly can. There are two awesome projects our team is currently working on. (1) 5 Marketing Techniques to Triple Your Opt-In Rate Guide & (2) How to Use Linkedin to Attract Donors Guide. We’re stoked for both of these guides, and I personally feel they will create and deliver amazing value for our community!

My Biggest Takeaway This Week – Ads don’t cost money, and neither does a team. So often we find ourselves, including me, reluctant to spend money on ads and growing your team due to the cost. Our growth is imperative to understanding this.When we spend money on advertisements, we drive people to a landing page sequence (optin – value – offer page) where we are delivering them a lot of value in exchange for their name and email address. After we have offered them a ton of value, we present them with an offer.You can spend $1 and because of your value sequence, you can come out with $2 or $3!

Obviously, you have to be cautious about your objective, strategy, conversion, and cash flow when spending money on ads but if done right, ads can become an investment. The same goes for a team. Your team can implement your strategy and come up with creative ideas that will make your business grow!

Oh! By the way! We have some awesome Sunan gear rolling out soon, but more details on that in my next email.

– Sajjad Husain, Founder & CEO

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