
5 Design Trends Dominating 2019

We’re almost halfway through 2019 and it has possibly been our most creative year yet. When it comes to design, we feel that this year, design has truly come into its own. No more conforming to what others demand of it. In 2019, design is all about contradictions. Here are our top 5 design trends that have been dominating 2019.

3D Design

Since the past few years designs have been notoriously flat. 2019 has seen the comeback of 3D and it’s astounding. The best part is that the 3D trend has truly reached a new meaning this year. Heavily inspired from the flat fad of last year, this is 3D like we haven’t seen before. We’re looking at beautifully rendered typography, as well as compositions simply jumping right off the page.  3D has definitely breathed new life into design.

Minimal + Vivid

Say goodbye to the bland, pastel minimalism of the previous years because gradients and bold colors are back! Bright yellows, electric blues, vivid oranges and neon greens are making a splash in 2019. While the idea is still “less is more”, screens are getting better every day. With so many brands vying for attention, bright colors and gradients that pop are the 2019 way of making sure your content gets noticed.


2019 has made sure that grids are gone, and we’re not missing them. Template-based is a thing of the past, with asymmetrical layouts and compositions absolutely demanding attention. These layouts are helping users break free from the confines of the grid, invoking curiosity and instinctive joy. These amazing layouts are everywhere in 2019: websites, packaging, apps, and more!

Bold Fonts

Be it Serif or Sans, it looks like fonts have been working out. Over the previous years we have seen fonts getting bolder but they’ve primarily been used as compliments for other design element overlays like pictures. In 2019 the fonts are buff enough to handle it all on their own. Design is going increasingly font heavy this year, with some powerful campaigns completely doing away the need for supporting images.

Open Compositions

After years and years of keeping everything inside the box, open compositions are finally here. This year designers are doing away with the restrictions of frames. Open compositions are free flowing products that make people imagine they’re looking at only a small part of a much larger picture. These designs are much more creative, requiring a seemingly random order to things with a lot left out on purpose to captivate and engage the viewer.

So far we’ve seen 2019 is indeed a revolutionary year for design. We’re definitely bound to see more of such breaking away from the norms and bounds of the previous year. Indeed, something truly tremendous happens when design starts to contradict the status quo!

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