
How Social Media Affects Brand Awareness

Building up brand awareness is critical for any business looking to compete in the market.

With a staggering 3.02 billion people expected to be using social media by 2021, the top goal of many social media marketers is to increase brand awareness. This raises the question, how exactly does social media affect brand awareness? Let’s find out!

Brand awareness

Before we move on, it is important to discuss exactly what brand awareness is.

To put it simply, it is a measure of how recognizable your brand is for customers. In other words, it is the extent to which people can recognize or recall your brand. The biggest brands in the world today are those that have a lot of brand awareness. This leads to them getting frequently mentioned in conversation and thus becoming an important part of a customer’s decision making process.

Social media – why and how

So, how exactly does social media enter the equation?

The answer is pretty obvious. Social media is now the major source of information and entertainment for a majority of internet users. It is a great platform for marketing because of the amount of customers you can reach. Not only that, brands can also interact with their customers. Thus, making social media a great place to build and nurture customer relationships. Here are a few ways social media affects brand awareness:


Social media platforms are built to be engaging. That’s the entire point.

This means that by leveraging social media, brands can interact with their audience at each stage of their journey. Be it potential leads, existing customers, or even new conversions. Social media platforms provide you with multiple methods to create engagement with your audience. These can be in the form of ads, conversations, or even posts with you active in the comments.


There is nothing like social media for pushing content. Nowhere else on the internet can you get an audience like this. Major brands use social media to promote all the content that they have worked on because they know their audience is interested in what they have to say, and find it useful.

Sharing content on social media is a definite way of making sure it’s seen by a maximum amount of people who are genuinely interested in what you’re saying.


This might seem obvious, but the most impactful aspect of social media for brand awareness is the social sharing that is the rage across all platforms.

Brands can gain global fame overnight if they produce content that is share worthy. If you can create a piece of content that is funny, heart warming, or incredibly useful, then it will definitely spread like wildfire!

Social media just might be the most impactful marketing platform for brand awareness. Does your brand have a strong social media presence? Which platforms do you use the most? Or are you still new to this and need some help? Don’t worry! At Sunan Designs, our experts are always ready to help brands reach their ultimate potential in the digital market. Reach out today!

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