
How to Create Valuable Blogs that Resonate

Author: sunandesignstg

The main reason your website needs a blog is to build and cultivate your audience.

You can have the most amazingly designed website in the world, with great load speeds, and an even better product inventory, but without good content, you can only get so far.

The best content is always carefully crafted keeping your audience in mind. Only then can it impact and resonate with your followers.

So, how do you go about creating content that builds trust for your brand?

It isn’t exactly rocket science, and yet a surprising number of people get it entirely wrong!

However, you need not worry, because all you need to do is follow these 3 expert-proven steps, and you will be publishing valuable and impactful blogs in no time!

Step 1: Know your audience

We can’t stress this enough – knowing your audience is the number one step towards any marketing activity, not just your blog.

You see, you can’t really tell whether or not your blog is going to impact your audience, if you don’t know who they are in the first place.

For most businesses, the audience is the same as the target customer. And even though it may come as a surprise, most small businesses have only a very general idea of who buys their products.

You can relax, though. It’s actually quite simple to find out who your audience is.

All you have to do is first look at your product. Who is most likely to buy it, or benefit from it? Once you have that in mind, take a look at your social media and website demographic statistics.

And, voila! There’s your target audience, right there.

To put it simply, it’s the people who buy from you, and listen to you!

Step 2: Answer questions

Once you have your audience identified, the next step is easy. Simply put yourself in their shoes and think. If you were a customer of your brand, what are the top questions you would want answered.

A great way to create quality content is by helping the audience it is intended for. This way, you can not only solve their problems, but also give advice and answer questions.

This establishes your brand as an authority on the subject, and makes your content extremely relatable and impactful.

Step 3: Tell your story

There is a reason people regularly read blogs published by their favourite brands and it’s not because they like the products.

On the contrary, it is 100% because of the feelings, emotions, and values those brands stand for. People want to belong, and associate with brands that make them feel better about themselves.

Find your voice, and consistently use it to share your brand’s message in every blog post you publish.

For example, at Sunan Designs, our mission is to help as many small businesses achieve digital success as possible. And this is a sentiment we convey in all our content – because we genuinely care for our audience and want them to succeed.

Still worried about your content strategy? Let us help.

Reach out today and our experts will get back to you in no time!

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