
Don’t build your website until…

Your website is the center of your online presence; everything – from your social media to your advertisements – should come back full circle and link back to your site. 

Why is this so? 

Well, just like your brick-and-mortar outlet in the real world, your website is your ‘online store,’ and just like the real world, it is the place where most of your customers will end up and form an opinion about your business. 

Because opinions are formed based on your website, your website needs to be the best version and representation of your business. In short, it needs to be a killer. 

What makes for an astounding website? 

At Sunan Designs, we have quite a bit of experience designing unique websites for our clients, and we feel that five essential elements go into creating a fantastic website. 

Let’s take a look! 

1. Your brand

Like we’ve stated many times before, a brand is more than just a logo, name, and color scheme. 

Before you begin designing your website, you need to have a clear understanding of what your brand’s values and story are and what your audience expects from you. 

All of these components need to be expertly incorporated into your site so that your existing customers feel right at home while newer ones know what to expect. 

Find out more about building your brand here!

2. Hosting

Why is this number 2 on our list? Because most business owners or brands tend to overlook all about web hosting when designing their website, it is a vital part of the entire experience. 

You see, just like the land beneath your physical location, you have to pay someone a certain amount for them to ‘host’ your website on the internet. 

Unlike the real world, however, hosting can be comparably cheap, and there are many options.

3. Digital marketing plan

You should never, ever jump into website design until you have a clear outline or strategy. 

Why is this? 

A big part of digital marketing has to do with your website. From your web content to your blog posts, everything has to be optimized to increase your authority and SEO ranking. 

If you don’t start doing that from scratch, you might as well end up designing a whole new website when you do. 

4. Design

Every website needs to have a basic outline or design that someone must create. 

Your site design dictates what your visitors see, interact with, and feel when visiting your site. 

Now, you always have a few options when it comes to your website design.

You can design it yourself using an online web builder like WiX or Weebly. These builders are relatively easy to handle, but they are not extremely versatile. 

On the other hand, you can get experts to design a custom website that perfectly fits your needs. 

At Sunan Designs, web design is just one of the many aspects of digital marketing we take care of for our clients. 

Give us a call today, and our experts will have an excellent website for you in no time!

5. Content

Last but certainly not least – your content! 

Just like your physical store, you need to be very cautious of what you put online. 

Your content needs to be optimized for search engines and offer value for your clients and visitors.

If writing is not exactly what you’re competent at (you have a business to run, too!), this is another step where it might be a good idea to sit back and let the professionals handle it. 

However, it is your website, and you should have a fundamental idea of what you want to communicate to your audience! 


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