
Hard Work Will Never Betray You

Author: sunandesignstg


Hope everyone is doing well. Welcome to the next round of the Sunan Weekly Roundup!

What we are working on:

We have some exciting news we want to share with you, the Sunan community!

On Friday, we hit 15K followers on Instagram! We can’t wait to serve up some awesome content and valuable gems to all our followers on Instagram. If you are not following us yet, be sure to do so today!

In addition, this week we released our October guide titled “The Power of Creating Landing Pages That Convert.” If you are still not using landing pages, your brand is missing out on a lot.

In this guide, not only will we be looking at how you can create highly engaging landing pages that convert (including 5 expert tips of our own!), but also the basics, including what exactly a landing page is, and why you need them.

Be sure to check out the guide and level up your landing page game!

My biggest takeaway this week: Hard Work Will Never Betray You

At times it feels impossible. You have been putting in so much time and effort into moving the needle in your business but that darn needle just isn’t moving!

And to make matters worse, every time you open up Instagram, all you see is other entrepreneurs and businesses hitting every goal they strive to achieve!

You my friend are not alone. I have made this mistake numerous times and still need that constant reminder!

Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 20.

Hard work will never betray you illustration

Here is an example to help drive the point home. Personally, I feel I need a lot of work when it comes to sales. It’s not because I don’t believe in the product, but because by nature, I’m an extremely introverted person.

The kind of person that could spend days away from people and not even notice a thing. The kind of person who would do anything introvertly and humanly possible to avoid getting on camera!

But I know that in order for me to become better at sales and take Sunan to the next level, I need to step outside of my comfort zone and get conformable connecting with people at a deeper level.

When it comes to sales, one of the best ways to promote your product is to paint a picture to your client as to what the world would be like knowing they do not have to worry about design and digital marketing ever again!

In our revised sales strategy, we are doing just that. We do a deep dive into our lead’s current design game by providing a before and after comparison as to how their designs would look with the Sunan touch.

In addition, we do a deep dive and show them how by leveraging Sunan marketing capabilities, they could significantly start improving their bottom line and take their company to the next level.

This has been our new personalized approach when it comes to sales. Now, one would imagine that each of these would lead to successful signup right? I wish that was the case…

And to be honest, it’s so easy to become discouraged when the doors keep closing on you but that is when you need to realize that hard work will never betray you.

As James Clear gives a great example in Atomic Habits, an ice cube will only freeze once the temperature reaches 32 Fahrenheit. Not at 35, not at 34, and not even at 33. The breakthrough moment happens at exactly 32 degrees.

Same way, your breakthrough moment is very close. The last thing you want to do is reach the 33-degree mark and give up.

Your current situation is not your final destination!

Now it’s your turn: Always remember, a ‘no’ is just an indication that you are one step closer to a ‘yes’.

Time to level up!

– Sajjad Husain, Founder & CEO

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