
The Road to Mastery


Hope everyone is doing well. Welcome to the next round of the Sunan Weekly Roundup!

What we are working on: 

This week, we released another awesome blog titled, Best Practices to Optimize Your Mobile App Install Campaign.

The continuous growth in mobile usage has created a tremendously competitive mobile app market!

In fact, according to a recent study by statista, there are nearly 3.5 billion smartphone users in the world today! Which means, almost every other person worldwide owns a smartphone!

Crazier than that is that there are over 2 million apps in the app store!

The question becomes how do you stand out from the competition? What practices should one follow to optimize their mobile app to get the traction and download that you need to take your game to the next level.

In this article, we outline some of our top tips to optimize your advertisement campaigns when it comes to mobile app downloads! Check out the link in the description below.

My biggest takeaway this week: The Road to Mastery

As marketers and entrepreneurs, mastery is something we all strive for because deep down we all know, in order to make a real difference in the world, we need to be master and become world class at our craft.

So how do you become a master at something?

Consistent effort is the only path to mastery. We as individuals have to be consistently putting out value and allowing ourselves to fail and learn from our mistakes.

There is a famous saying that goes something like this: You want to know the difference between a master and a beginner? The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried!

So often, including myself, we get so caught up in being perfect, that we don’t allow ourselves to fail and learn from our mistakes. We don’t allow ourselves to be open to criticism and risk. We tend to believe that everything we release has to be perfect. And as a result, our consistent efforts come to a halt. We fall into the perfectionist trap.

Brendon Burchard has an amazing quote on this where he says, “At some point we have to be mature and honest with ourselves and stop saying, it’s because I’m so perfect that this isn’t done and say actually, maybe it’s because I’m lazy or maybe it’s because I’m letting the world distract me and rip me away from my passions and my day, because I haven’t taken control over my time or over the responsibilities I have and arrange them so I can focus on my real passions, real desires and dreams.”

Again, We have to allow ourselves to take risks, and allow ourselves to fail and suck. But by doing so, guess what, our next take or release is going to be better than our first round.

As Evan Carmichael has also beautifully said, If you’ve got an idea, stop waiting, stop overthinking, stop trying to make it perfect. Say yes, say yes, say yes… The only thing you are missing is the momentum and its time to bet on yourself!

This is something that I am trying to improve on as well here at Sunan. For example, last week we released our Sunan podcast. The first recording that we released was horrible compared to the more recent ones.

Same way, the first Sunan weekly roundup blog and email was so bad compared to the more recent ones. The key is consistency.

Through hard work, persistence and sacrifice, you can get better at anything. Whether that’s recording videos, working out, or sales, you have to be willing to test the marketplace consistently with your product and learn from your mistakes to take your game to the next level.

Now it’s your turn: What is it that you want to become a master at? Give yourself permission to fail and be open to criticism. Because at the end of the day, the road to mastery comes from hard work, persistence, sacrifice, discipline, criticism and failure.

Time to level up! 

– Sajjad Husain, Founder & CEO

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