
5 Things To Consider When Creating Social Media Copy

Creating effective social media ads is a very important step towards success in the digital marketplace. With upwards of 3 billion people expected to be using social media in 2021, it certainly is a very important market.

As with all marketing, your copy is one of the most essential aspects of your ad. Social media ads are unique in the sense that they have much less space for copy, as well as audiences that only pay seconds of attention.

So how do you create brilliant social media copy that engages potential customers instantaneously? Here are 5 things you need to consider when writing copy for your social media ads.

1. Your brand voice

Every business on social media needs to have a voice, a brand identity that their customers can resonate with. When users come across your ad when scrolling the feed, they should recognize your voice immediately.

For example, if your brand is aimed at young adults and is all about having fun and living in the moment, then a corporate tone in your ad would seem very jarring and out of place. Instead, you need to use the exact slang and grammar that your audience uses.

2. Your message

Before writing, you need to know exactly what you want to focus on in your ad. Figure out what it is that you want your audience to do, and how to get them to do it.

A good idea is to write multiple copies and to go with the one that is the simplest. Remember, this is social media and people have a very small attention span. Even if you have a lot of ideas about what to put in, it’s best to go with the shortest and sweetest.

3. Visuals

Social media ads are all about visuals – you can only include so many words anyways. Design plays an incredibly important role in provoking a response from your audience.

Humans are very visually attracted and people engage much more easily with social media posts that have high quality graphics, photos or videos. There are uncountable ways you can use visuals to spark interest in your audience – infographics, GIFs, and even memes!

4. The 5 Ws – Who, What, Where, When, and Why?

Ads that deliver the maximum amount of information usually work the best. This is probably the simplest tip out of 5, but all you need for maximum impact is to deliver all of this information in the simplest way possible.

5. Copy length

While shorter copy is key to better ads and more conversions in most cases, sometimes longer copy works well too. You should always try to keep it as brief as possible, but sometimes you need to tell a story.

In such a case where a one-liner won’t do, it is always a good idea to do a A/B split test and see what your audience actually prefers. This can then become the standard for all your future ads.

At the end of the day

Creating copy for social media is tricky, but once you get these tips down perfectly it shouldn’t be so difficult!

Still need help? Sunan Designs has your back! As your number one design and marketing firm, our team of experts is just one tap of a button away. Reach out today and let the experts create awesome copy for all your social media campaigns!

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