
Focus On Your Zones of Genius

Author: sunandesignstg


Hope everyone is doing well. Welcome to the next round of the Sunan Weekly Roundup!

What we are working on:

This week we released another great blog post titled “Top 5 Design Trends for 2021.

Building on what we had released last week, “Top 5 Marketing Trends We Predict for 2021”, this week we wanted to take a more design-centric approach. Check the article to learn more about the top 5 trends we see that will dominate 2021.

One that I am personally excited about is dark-mode. We have started seeing many popular applications and even mobile OS start offering dark-mode as a color option. Over the past few months, many researchers have tried to quantify the amount of interest that is out there for dark-mode. According to some surveys, it’s estimated that nearly +80% of users prefer dark mode for their operating systems!

The question that we as marketers and designers have to start asking ourselves is how do we start leveraging dark mode into our website and applications? We have some amazing tips coming on this very soon. Stay tuned!

My biggest takeaway this week: Focus On Your Zones of Genius

As marketers and entrepreneurs, it’s very easy to get distracted by the latest marketing gadgets and trends that we lose sight of who we are and our core competencies. I have personally made this mistake numerous times and I want to make sure that you learn from my mistakes!

See, it’s so easy to be a dabbler. Someone who has dabbled themselves into many skills but somehow has failed to achieve expertise in any one.

When it comes to modern-day digital marketing, it’s very important to have a holistic and comprehensive understanding of marketing domains but even more important is to have your zone(s) of genius.

For example, for our digital marketing team at Sunan Designs, our zones of genius are paid media and e-commerce marketing. These two domains are what we truly pride ourselves on. We have been fortunate enough to work with firms around the world where we are significantly improving their bottom line with paid media and e-commerce strategies.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s very important to have a holistic and comprehensive understanding of the other marketing domains. You as a modern-day marketer must be able to execute email marketing campaigns, leverage the power of circular viralocity in creating content, leverage data and analytics to fine-tune your marketing strategies and reduce your cost per lead, and have an understanding of SEO. In addition to this, you must have the expertise and deep understanding and skills in at least 1-2 areas.

Our job is to make better the people we serve, not bitter!

This is what will separate you in the marketplace.

Always remember, if you don’t take the time and invest in building your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.

Now it’s your turn! Identify what domain you want to have a deep and comprehensive skill set of. Once you have identified it, raise your ambition to become world-class at this! Identify the 5 major moves you need to make and get working!

Time to level up!

– Sajjad Husain, Founder & CEO

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