
What Can Website Analytics Tell You?

Author: sunandesignstg

Web analytics are an absolutely essential part of your web design. A majority of companies invest a lot of money in designing websites to play one important role – bring in as many customers as possible. This is why analytics are so important. Unless you know all about the visitors your site is getting, you can’t really do anything to bring in more!

Not only do web analytics allow you to see the geographical locations of your site visitors, but a ton of other important information as well. This includes details such as browsers and computers they’re using, which pages they visit, and how much time they spend on each.

All of this is made possible by a nifty little tracking code which you integrate into your HTML pages before you launch your website. These codes can then relay useful information back to you so that you can take the right decisions – in real time.

For example, if you see a drop on the payments page, you might have to fix a design problem, or the content on that page to make it more appealing to your customers. By keeping a regular eye on your site analytics, you can identify and invest in the areas that need improvement or attention.

Google Analytics

By far, the best and most powerful free site analytics tool is Google Analytics. To get started, all you have to do is sign up!  Once registered, simply copy and paste the Javascript code provided by Google into the script for each page you want to track. That’s it…done!

A nice point to keep in mind is that if you’re already using Google AdWords (Google’s PPC keyword purchase platform), analytics reports include keyword performance information! Not only can these reports be saved and shared as PDFs, they can also be sent automatically to your team. What can Google Analytics tell you?

Let’s take a look at exactly what Google Analytics can track on each page of your site, and how this information can come in handy.

Traffic sources and Demographics

One of the most important pieces of information web analytics can provide you is traffic sources. Google Analytics lets you determine a time range, in which it will track all your traffic and inform you of where it came from.

Organic traffic means that the visitor found your site via a search engine. Direct traffic means all of the people who manually entered your URL in the address bar. Referral traffic is the visitors you get via the sites that are linking to you (it even shows you the exact page linking to your site).

This data can be useful when you’re planning out your digital marketing strategy. For example, if you know that most of your buyers come in via Facebook, then you know you should shift your focus to social media marketing.

Apart from their web locations, Google Analytics also lets you see which countries and cities people are visiting your site from. Not only can this information be extremely useful in designing audiences for your ad campaigns, you can also use it in your offline marketing.

Browsers and devices

Analytics data also tells you exactly what browsers, devices, and even the resolutions that your viewers are browsing your site on. How is this information handy? Well, if you know exactly what device a majority of your viewers are using, you can focus your efforts into making your site more user-friendly for that platform!

The same goes for browsers where you can make sure your site loads super quick on those browsers, and screen size, where you can optimize your design to look and fit better on those screens.

Top Performing Pages

Your home page isn’t always your most visited page. Analytics keep track of which pages get the most visitors and you can then find out why they’re driving so much interest. If it’s a product page, you now know which product to double down and focus your efforts on! You can also view top pages by demographic, so you know where exactly to market the product.

In conclusion

Web analytics can be extremely useful for not only your online marketing strategy, but for web-design and market research as well!

Having trouble setting up or understanding data from your analytics tool? Need someone to re-design your website so that you can get the most potential out of it? Look no further! As the leading design and marketing agency in the industry, the expert team at Sunan Designs is at your service. Reach out today and tell us all about your project – and we’ll get right on it!

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