
How to get Video Testimonials and Reviews from your Customers

Social media plays a vital role in bringing up the business in the market these days. Since many people need any information about a particular place, get in touch with the internet and search for it online. Don’t expect them to stop there while researching on a business; they’ll most likely have several browser tabs open simultaneously.

If the website is up to date, it would be the first possible option they tap on because updated websites are most likely to become the first result when searched.

Moreover, if the websites are updated with reviews and video testimonials, it is a plus point. They’ll be searching for reviews left by earlier customers who have been there before. After all, if they entrust their business to you, they want to ensure that you’re the best.

What is Video Testimonial?

Visually speaking about their wonderful experience with a company or other entity is considered a testimonial video. Instead of writing a conventional review, consumers or visitors record videos of themselves sharing their thoughts. Customers usually talk about how the firm helped them find a solution or how it affected their lives.

Power of Video Testimonials and Reviews from Customers:

Running an organization, you’ll do whatever you can to persuade your customers to write positive reviews regarding your business, but it is solely up to them. Merely, because you reckon your company provides the best facilities and products for sale does not make you a trustworthy information source. However, when an authentic loyal, satisfied customer sends you a message or statement regarding your brand, their genuine review transcends all with your other business practices.

How to get Video Testimonials and Reviews?

There’s no doubt that a testimonial video from a happy customer advocating your services or products is unbeatable. However, requesting a video testimonial is quite a challenge. Therefore, below are some suggestions for you regarding requesting video testimonials and reviews:

1) Professionally request customers :

Don’t devalue yourself that it makes you appear needy for the customer’s review. Instead, showcase to the client that their input is valued and will be appreciated. Avoid making the clients feel obligated to do so. Be professional while asking for it.

Consider contacting them via email or phone and see if they’ll be willing to film a testimonial. You can also send clients a video email, as some people feel more comfortable viewing the person present at the other end of the screen.

2) Keep it simple:

No one wants to go through a procedure that is time-consuming and frustrating. Keep the system quick and straightforward for consumers to create videos or leave a review. More straightforward the method, you will likely get many patients to complete the process and submit their statements.

3) Provide more options:

Whenever it happens to increase the number of testimonials regarding your business, you should first consider providing your customer base a variety of options for making these statements.

Even though the internet has made things much more straightforward, but you still must accommodate all customers. There may be a few people interested in filling a form and composing a written statement for you. Some might wish to review your business on your Facebook page or just rating you in stars.

4) Conduct an interview:

Interviews aid the recording process by eliminating a few of the long hours. Even fully-featured testimonials are often overlooked due to inadequate video quality and service.

Therefore, offer them an interview and bring your client’s lives at ease. They might feel more relaxed and natural when sharing their opinion on camera, resulting in the intimate bond you seek in such a testimonial.

Therefore, you should build a powerful testimonial webpage if you decide to add another layer of legitimacy to your website. Testimonials help to create social evidence, which boosts engagement and sales. Sunan Designs have all the possible ways to elevate your business. Get in touch with us now and give us the chance to facilitate you with our brilliant services. Our team of experts is there 24/7 to get you pending things done in innovative ways within no time.


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